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FrontEnd Technologies

We are experts in modern front end technology and can help you build the user experience you envision. If your looking for new website, custom application or a complets redesign, we can help you achieve it in no time. Our team of talented developers can create a inventive and dynamic design.

1. HTML5

HTML5 is one of the most commonly used markup languages for structuring and displaying content on the internet. It is the fifth and final iteration of the HTML version. It is maintained by the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group(WHATWG), a joint venture of several companies or browser vendors like Apple, Google, Mozilla, and others.

Key Features :

● Web application data is stored in HTML local storage within the user's browser. Previously, this information was stored in cookies and was added to each server request.

● Audio and video tags are new additions to HTML 5. This allows the developer to incorporate video and audio files into their pages.

● A new element called Contenteditable is included in several recent browsers, allowing the user to edit the content within the component.

2. CMS

A CMS software (content management system) enables users to create, maintain, and revise the content on a website without requiring specialized technical knowledge.
In layperson's terms, a content management system is a tool that allows you to create a website without requiring you to write all of the code from scratch( or, in some cases, know any).
Rather than creating your system for building web pages, saving images, and other such functions, the content management system handles all of that basic groundwork for you, allowing you to focus on more forward-facing aspects of your website.

3. bootstrap

Bootstrap is a front-end development framework used to build websites and web apps. Bootstrap is free and open source with a collection of syntax for template designs created to enable the responsive development of mobile-first websites. Bootstrap, as a framework, includes the fundamentals of responsive web development, so developers only need to insert code into a predefined grid system. The Bootstrap framework comprises Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), CSS, and JavaScript. Web developers who use Bootstrap can create websites much faster because they don't have to worry about basic commands and functions.

Key Features :

● Easy to use with responsive features.

● Mobile-Friendly with simple integration.

● Bootstrap can be tailored to your project's specifications..

● Great documentation features.

4. javascript

JavaScript is a programming language that enables you to execute complex features on web pages. Whenever a web page does more than exhibit static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, infographics, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video record players, and so on — JavaScript is almost certainly involved.

Key Features :

● JavaScript employs a dynamic type system, which means that variables can store values of any data type.

● Because JavaScript is an object-oriented language, it allows for the creation and manipulation of objects.

● JavaScript is an event-driven language that can respond to user input and other browser events.

● JavaScript support asynchronous execution.

React JS

React is a JavaScript library used to create user interfaces. Facebook, Instagram, and a community of individual developers and corporations maintain it. React enables developers to create reusable UI components, which can help them speed up and optimize their development process. It is a popular choice for developing large, complex applications, and many companies, including Facebook, Airbnb, and Netflix, use it.

Key Features :

● React employs a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) that enables developers to create browser-renderable components.

● React enables developers to create reusable UI components, which can help them speed up and optimize their development process.

● React employs a declarative programming style, which means that developers can specify how the UI should appear, and React will handle the rendering.


AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web framework primarily maintained by Google and a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges of developing single-page applications. It aims to make the development and testing of such applications easier by providing a framework for client-side model-view-controller (MVC) architecture and components commonly found in rich Internet applications.

Key Features :

● The MVC architecture is used by AngularJS, which divides the application into three components: The model, The view, The controller. This architecture facilitates the development, testing, and maintenance of large and complex web applications.

● AngularJS employs two-way data binding.

● AngularJS includes directives such as ng-bind, ng-model, and ng-repeat.

● AngularJS employs dependency injection.


Vue.js is a JavaScript framework used to create user interfaces. It is intended to be simple and easy to use, allowing developers to quickly build high-performance web applications. Vue.js employs a component-based architecture, which means the user interface is composed of independent and reusable components. Because these components can be nested and reused within other components, it's simple to create complex, dynamic user interfaces.

Key Features :

● Vue.js allows developers to create reactive components, which update and render automatically when the underlying data changes.

● Vue.js updates the user interface using a virtual DOM, which means that it only updates the parts of the interface that have changed rather than redrawing the entire page. As a result, Vue.js applications are quick and efficient.

● Vue.js allows developers to create modular and reusable components that can be nested and composed to create complex user interfaces.


Backbone.js is a JavaScript library that offers a framework for developing web applications. It provides models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, and views with declarative event handling. It connects it all via a RESTful JSON interface to your existing application. It is intended to assist you in organizing your application's code and keeping it organized as your codebase grows. Its a lightweight, adaptable library that provides a framework for developing web applications.

Key Features :

● Models with key-value binding and custom events allow you to bind your data to your views and react to changes.

● Collections with a robust API of enumerable functions enable you to work with groups of related models.

● Views that support declarative event handling allow you to separate your application's presentation from its data and logic.


TypeScript is a programming language that is a superset of JavaScript, which extends JavaScript with new features. It was created and is still maintained by Microsoft. TypeScript is intended for use with the most recent versions of JavaScript and can create large and complex applications. TypeScript is used to write many popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, such as Angular and React.

Key Features :

● Type annotations can be added to variables, functions, and parameters in TypeScript, allowing for type checking at compile time.

● TypeScript employs structural type compatibility, which means that two types are compatible if their structures are identical.

● Many of the new features of ECMAScript 6 and 7, the most recent versions of the JavaScript standard, are supported by TypeScript.


Google's Flutter is a mobile app development framework. It builds beautiful, fast, and dependable apps for both Android and iOS using the Dart programming language. You can use Flutter to create a native app for multiple platforms without building separate versions. This can save time and resources while making it easier to provide a consistent user experience across multiple devices.

Key Features :

● Hot reload: Allows you to experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs quickly and easily.

● Rapid development: Create high-quality, high-performance applications in record time.

● Native performance: To provide full native performance on iOS and Android.

● Flutter's framework and extensive library set can access underlying device features and SDKs.


A progressive web app (PWA) is a web application that offers a user experience similar to that of a native mobile app. It is designed to work on any platform using a standards-compliant web browser, including desktop and mobile devices. A PWA is built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and is served via a web server. It can be installed on a user's device like a native app and added to the home screen, allowing the user to launch it like any other app. One of the key features of a PWA is that it is designed to work offline, meaning it can still function even if the user doesn't have an internet connection. This is made possible through service workers, which are background scripts that run in the browser and enable offline functionality.
Another key feature of a PWA is that it is designed to be fast and responsive, providing a smooth and engaging user experience. This is achieved through a combination of techniques such as caching, optimizing images, and minimizing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded.


NPM (Node Package Manager) is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. It is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. With NPM, developers can install and manage packages for their Node.js projects. NPM makes it easy for JavaScript developers to share and reuse code, and it helps to ensure that the code is consistent across different projects.

Key Features :

● NPM hosts a large online registry of reusable code packages that can be easily searched and installed in Node.js projects.

● NPM is used through a command-line interface, which enables developers to easily install, update, and manage packages.

● NPM makes managing a project's dependencies simple.

● NPM allows developers to specify which versions of packages they want to use in their projects.

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