Time Off 

An effective leave management system is a crucial resource for any type of business or institution. Unless the leaves are appropriately handled, managing businesses or institutions is always messy. An ideal, automated leave management system will constantly assist you in keeping track of your workers' vacation time, working hours, and salary determination. The staff and HR department of your company will benefit from the implementation of a leave management system, which will enable them to handle leave requests more effectively and quickly. 

Your employee time off can be flawlessly managed by the leave management systems in the Odoo ERP. It can monitor every employee's vacation time. Employees can use this module to submit requests for time off, and managers or other relevant authorities can quickly accept and validate them. The management and staff can benefit greatly from the Odoo Time Off module. All their employees' leaves are accessible to managers in a single view. In addition to being able to conveniently organize and schedule the allocation of duties during their team members' absences, they will be able to manage the team more constructively. 

The exclusive Time-Off management system helps employees enter their vacation requests themselves and will be informed by email for every new request. And the managers or concerned authorities can approve the request or refuse it and be able to provide a note to your refusal for clarifying your employees. 

The Odoo Time Off module allows for instant report generation. Reports for each leave request, employee, department, and business can be easily created. HR professionals may manage employee leave or time off activities more effectively with the help of the Odoo Time Off module. You can track days, months, or even hours of leave with the module's assistance, ensuring that you have accurate information about your employees' vacation time. 


The Home dashboard window of the Odoo Time Off module can be accessed in both the Calendar view and List view. The Calendar view of the window is depicted below. 


This window will help you manage the time off requests efficiently, and you can get an overall view of your employees’ time off. In addition, the home dashboard window will help the employees manage their own leave requests and get a comprehensive idea about the Annual time off and Compensatory days. In the Odoo 15 edition, you can view some modifications in this dashboard window. In this edition, Odoo updated the Calendar and Gantt view for unapproved time off. 

This window has a calendar-style appearance. By clicking on the corresponding buttons for day, week, month, and year, you can view the window in Odoo in various ways by selecting a new perspective. You can easily make a new time off request by merely choosing the necessary date. After choosing a date, a second pop-up window will appear, as seen in the image below, allowing you to enter the description of the vacation time. It is also possible to allocate the other fields, including Duration, Dates, and Type of Time Off. You can specify in the time-off request window if the requested time off is for a half-day. 


In addition, the window will include the ALLOCATION REQUEST and NEW TIME OFF buttons which will allow you to organize new allocations and new time off. 


Odoo allows you to organize your time off request in different color formats to manage and easily identify the type of time off requests. For getting these color formats, you should enable the Time Off Type menu available on the right side of the window as highlighted in the below image. Apart from the coloring option, it will also allow you to distinguish the time off requests as Validated, To Approve and Refused as mentioned under the Legend section, just below the Time Off Type section. 


A new pop-up window for generating a new allocation will appear when you select the ALLOCATION REQUESTS option. The window's screenshot is explained below. 


In addition, you can apply filters both in default as well as customizable measures. The default filtering options available on the platform are To Approve, Need Second Approval, Approved Time Off, Start Date, Active Time Off, and Archived Time Off. 

Now let us have a look at the List view of the home dashboard window.